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Meteor echos, qrm eliminator, LED volt meters, plan a special event station
Meteor echos, qrm eliminator, LED volt meters, plan a special event station
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 22 August 9th, 2014

Top links

Listen to Perseid meteor radio echos
Radio engineer Stan Nelson uses a Yagi antenna in New Mexico to detect 54 MHz TV signals reflected from meteor trails. When a meteor passes over his observatory--ping!--there is an echo.
Spaceweather Radio
The Amateur Radio Parity Act HR.4969 bearing fruit
As of August 5, 17 co-sponsors have signed onto the bill, which was introduced in the US House of Representatives with bipartisan support in late June. Additional co-sponsors are anticipated.
Online WebSDR for VHF Satellites
G8JNJ has equipped the SUWS WebSDR with omni-direction helix antennas for both 144 and 432 MHz which have proved effective for both high altitude balloon and satellite reception.
If you can operate as W1AW, do it!
The W1AW operation is fast and furious and I was finally struck with the enormity of the undertaking, and why it’s just exciting to be a part of this endeavor.
Web based Amateur Radio satellite predictor
AMSAT-LU have developed an online satellite prediction page which quickly provides the data required for amateur radio satellites, including active maps and graphics.
WiMo QRM Eliminator
I was almost at the point of giving up on HF due to the high levels of QRN/M suffered at home. Then I discovered the WiMo QRM Eliminator.
NASA announces next opportunity for CubeSat space missions
The CubeSat Launch Initiative gives students, teachers and faculty a chance to get hands-on flight hardware development experience in the process of designing, building and operating small research satellites.
New: QSO Today Podcast
Podcast interviews between 4Z1UG and a diverse group of ham radio operators who come from every walk of life, and who have excelled in the hobby in one form or another.
QSO Today

How to

Planning and operating a special events station
Special Events Stations are a means to add more excitement to the pursuit of amateur radio operation. They are educational and can be a lot of fun.
Program your Raspberry Pi to send, receive and decode Morse Code
Simulate and experience the main form of radio communication that was used during World War I.
Get started in Ham Radio
Ham Radio School has a content-packed intro to the hobby of Amateur Radio.
Ham Radio School


$5 LED digital volt meters
K7AGE shows us how to use the meter and build it into an Altoids tin.
Live demonstration of telemetry reception from ISEE-3
Mario Lorenz DL5MLO and Achim Vollhardt DH2VA gave a presentation on the ISEE-3 (ICE) spacecraft including a live demonstration of telemetry reception from ICE.

And finally...

Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by KK4HSX. Thank you for reading! 73!
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