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Hamvention loves Hara, hidden Morse Code saves hostages, fixing Baofengs...
Hamvention loves Hara, hidden Morse Code saves hostages, fixing Baofengs...
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 43 January 10th, 2015

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Hamvention committed to crumbling Hara Arena
In addition to flagging revenues, the Dayton Daily News reported, some $395,000 in back property taxes are owed on the two land parcels that make up the Hara Arena complex.
The Centennial's over. Let’s look forward.
The past is a springboard for the future, and the key is to have fun with ham radio.
Morse code disguised as hit radio single relayed message to hostages in Columbia jungle
How the Colombian army sent a hidden message to hostages… using a pop song.
The Verge
The town without Wi-Fi
The affliction has been dubbed "electromagnetic hypersensitivity," or EHS, and it involves a textbook's worth of ailments: headaches, nausea, insomnia, chest pains, disorientation, digestive difficulties, and so on.
Fixing poor squelch levels on Baofeng radios
Squelch levels improved somewhat over time, but it just wasn't enough. The slightest whisper of a modem, router or switch still opens up the squelch, whatever the setting.
Australian balloon reaches South America
The small party-type balloon that left Melbourne Australia on December 27 has been tracked during its flight, with Javier Pons Estel LU5FF of Argentina among those reporting it has reached South America.
Amateur Radio Victoria
Uproar over plans to erase Marconi legacy from welcome signs
The "Welcome to Chelmsford – Birthplace of Radio" message, printed on ten brown welcome signs surrounding the city, will be removed because the Highways Agency says the sentence distracts drivers.
Essex Chronicle
New world record claimed on 10 GHz
On January 5, during a tropo opening across the Great Australian Bight, VK6DZ and VK7MO exchanged reports over a 2732 km path, using JT4f mode as well as SSB.
JT-Bridge - WSJT-X enhancement for OS X
This functionality is very similar to the extremely popular JT-Alert add-on for WSJT-X on Windows, and provides a significant enhancement for WSJT-X enthusiasts on OS X.
Mac Ham Radio

How to

Elimination of treadmill RFI on 160 meters
For numerous years I have encountered approximately 15 db over S9 RFI that makes 160 meters useless when my wife uses our treadmill.
How to do a VHF SOTA Activation
The basic idea of SOTA is to operate from a designated list of summits or to work other radio operators when they activate the summits.


Kenwood TS-990S base station being built
Giving you a rare glimpse behind the scenes at Kenwood's Communications Division factory at Yamagata, in northern Japan, this video shows our flagship Amateur Radio transceiver the TS-990S being built.
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