The woman behind the KM5R repeater
Once upon a time there lived a home-schooled fairy princess named, Melissa, or as she later became known, KM5R. Weekly North Texas net for YLs
September VHF Contest this weekend
The goal is to contact as many different stations in as many 2 × 1 grid squares as possible on frequencies above 50 MHz. ARRL
Batteries for portable Amateur Radio use
I’ve used everything from car batteries, Sealed Lead Acid Batteries (SLAB), standard AA’s, Lithium Polymer (LiPo) and Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries (LiFePo). M0JCQ's Ham Blog
Can you ID this mystery digital signal?
I noted beeps at Hz repetition rate, does not appear to be data, it beeps for about a minute then there is a short data burst then beeping again for a minute or two. The SWLing Post
VHF Transmitter key-up analysis
Based on what I learned about this radio, I won't be operating it at the high power level due to the frequency drift. W2AEW
Random wire portable antenna back yard test
I decided to try a random wire in the back yard with QRP power and portable set up for some fun and to see how it would work for me. RadioHamGuy
Jogging while listening to the Space Station
This is my reception of Astronaut Jeff Williams talking with summer camp students at the Kopernik Observatory and Science Center. Space Comms