Log file azimuthal maps
This tool reads your ham radio logs and generates an equidistant azimuthal world map plot of your contacts using Scalable Vector Graphics. N1YWB
The amazing BOG
A 'BOG' or 'Beverage On Ground' seems to come in many varieties and is usually, out of necessity, shorter than a 'real' beverage. AmateurRadio.com
CHIRP radio programming webinar
Attendees will learn: What CHIRP is, which radios are supported, how to get CHIRP, and how to troubleshoot CHIRP. ARRL
Ham Radio on a boat
Ham shack and lab on a 50-foot Delta power boat. microship.com
QRP is unfair to chasers
If you understand propagation, then a QRP signal will be loud to someone, somewhere. W2LJ
Smoky Mountains NPOTA activation recap
I took my field kit which included the Elecraft KX2, QRP Ranger battery pack, and EFT Trail-Friendly antenna. The SWLing Post
Homebrew 20kWh powerwall
He's working on adding a huge number of 18650 Lithium cells to his home's power grid and posting about his adventures along the way. Hack A Day
Android DMR HT
RFinder Android Radio DMR QSO International Worldwide. YouTube
Slow Scan Digital Video (SSDV)
First end-to-end test of a 115.2kbaud FSK modem, transmitting slow-scan digital video. YouTube