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SSTV from space, APRS and Raspberry Pi, KX3 go box, FCC warnings and more
SSTV from space, APRS and Raspberry Pi, KX3 go box, FCC warnings and more
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 13 June 7th, 2014

Top links

FCC sends warnings to amateurs failing to ID in a timely manner
The FCC establishes specific rules and procedures on the proper times to identify your station and the FCC expects those rules to be followed.
Marines train with ham radio operators
The Rowan Amateur Radio Society helped train several Marines in the art of fox hunting.
Salisbury Post
SPROUT nano satellite actively transmitting SSTV signal
Slow Scan TV (SSTV) images in Scottie 1 format have been successfully received from the amateur radio satellite SPROUT on 437.600MHz FM.
The QSO-a-day challenge for May
KD0BIK updates us on his attempt to achieve a QSO a day.
Back to basics: The Morse code alphabet
Enjoy Ham Radio provides a table of the Morse code alphabet including the phonetic pronunciation.
Enjoy Ham Radio
Whitebox handheld SDR
Whitebox is a low-power signal processing framework for embedded Linux systems aimed at VHF/UHF operation.

How to

Build a great looking go box custom to your KX3 transceiver
OE2ATN outlines how he built an aluminum go box for his KX3 that includes a LiPo battery and a clock.
Sending photos and messages over D-STAR via Bluetooth
ICOM's Android application allows amateurs to send messages and images through D-STAR using an Android device connected to an ICOM ID-5100A radio via Bluetooth.
Kevin Sanders
Receiving APRS packets on a Raspberry Pi
KB9MWR shares his configuration files to get APRX running on a Raspberry Pi and receive over-the-air APRS packets through a simple sound card.


AMSAT videos from Dayton 2014
AMSAT posted a collection of eight videos from Dayton that include updates on FUNcube, Fox-1, amateur radio and ISS, future satellite launches and more.


Review: Radio Shack HTA-20 2 Meter Amplifier
KD8RTT reviews the Radio Shack HTA-20 2 Meter Amplifier designed specifically for use with hand held transceivers.


Always keep twiddlin' that dial
You never know what might come up!
Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by KK4HSX. Thank you for reading! 73!
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