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Issue 131 of Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 131 of Amateur Radio Weekly
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 131 October 29th, 2016

Top links

BITX40 40 meter transceiver
The BITX40 is a single circuit 40 meter SSB transceiver capable of 7 watts.
HF Signals
Ham proposes vanity call sign rule changes
W4ADL is proposing that any licensee obtaining a vanity call sign be required to keep it for the full license term.
Open Repeater Project
The OpenRepeater Project is the development of a low cost, low power, but a feature rich duplex Linux based amateur radio repeater controller using computers like the Raspberry Pi 2.
Open Repeater Project
24 GHz handheld
Vegetation completely blocks 24 GHz signals. A tree or even the smallest bush blocks the signal.
Designing an idiot switch
Building a micro controller device that removes power from a soldering iron when the user leaves it turned on for too long.
Ham Radio 360: Workbench
iOS APRS client with built-in iGate.
Taking your QRP signal to the next steps
The heavy lifting is done not by you but by the DX who is trying to dig you out of the mud.
Graphing realtime WSPR propagation
This gives useful information about when a certain part of the world can be heard and worked.
Why you should care about software defined radio
It hasn’t become a household term yet, but Software-Defined Radio (SDR) is a major player on the developing technology front.
Hack A Day
Amateur Radio and FreeBSD [PDF]
Many of the applications written generically or specifically for Linux are easily transferred to FreeBSD.
FreeBSD Journal


K7AGE Visits the new TWIT Studio
On my way to the Pacificon Hamfest, I stopped by the new TWIT studio and I was on Ham Nation.
Drone footage of 2017 Hamvention site
Quad-Copter touring the Greene County (Ohio) Fairgrounds
Drone footage of antenna install
The team at installed two rotating towers in Maine.
Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by K4HCK.
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