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Baofeng changes name, D-STAR satellite launches, microwave distance record
Baofeng changes name, D-STAR satellite launches, microwave distance record
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 15 June 21st, 2014

Top links

Field Day 2014 is at hand, and everyone is Invited
Field Day is the year’s most popular operating event, and more than 35,000 radio amateurs will be setting up stations in the field, at campsites, in public parks, and even on their decks or in their backyards to get in on the fun.
One frequency you should never use on Field Day
A discussion around the use of calling frequencies on Field Day.
Baofeng changes brand name to Pofung
The new name 'Pofung' is easier to pronounce and more friendly to our customers, while maintaining the phonetic symbolism of our brand.
In praise of the recently discontinued Yaesu FT-817 and QRP
If you have never owned a Yaesu FT-817ND you don't know what you've been missing.
Amateur Radio is still alive and kicking: journey to becoming a HAM
DIYer was ready to tackle the next step in his evolution as a maker, become a ham radio operator.
Tweak Town
D-STAR satellite repeater launch successful
The D-STAR satellite TabletSat-Aurora launched on June 19th carrying a D-STAR Parrot (Store and Forward) Repeater running 0.8 watts of GMSK on 437.050 MHz.
Complete list of amateur satellites launched from Dnepr rocket
37 satellites were launched from a Russian Dnepr rocket on June 19th. 12 of those satellites are carrying amateur radio payloads.
Chinese signal-jammer vendor could pay record $34.9M FCC fine
A Chinese electronics vendor accused of selling signal jammers to U.S. consumers could end up leading the market in one dubious measure: the largest fine ever imposed by the Federal Communications Commission.
Network World
New microwave distance record set in Australia
Alan Devlin (VK3XPD) and David Smith (VK3HZ) smash previous 78GHz microwave distance record.

How to

Seven steps to a perfect Field Day
The Bullitt Amateur Radio Society operates a 2F effort each year and these are the steps they take to ensure a successful event.


Randy Hall's (K7AGE) PSK-31 presentation at SEA-PAC
K7AGE's PSK-31 Presentation at the SEA-PAC Hamfest in Seaside, Oregon on June 7th.
David Sumner (K1ZZ) presentation to stream live on June 25th
David Sumner is Chief Operating Officer of the ARRL and will be giving a talk, 'Amateur Radio Across the Pond,' to the Norfolk Amateur Radio Club. The event will be streamed live over the internet.
WSPR on the SoftRock RXTX Ensemble QRP transceiver
WSPR digital mode on a 1 watt RXTX Ensemble transceiver
Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by KK4HSX. Thank you for reading! 73!
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