A story from a numbers stations operator
The purpose of all this was to send messages to spies implanted in an enemy (or target) country. However not all – or even not many – of the broadcasts were actually messages. numbers-stations.com
Amateur Radio at Alert, Nunavut
When the UHF link from Alert to Eureka was installed in the early 1980's, it brought telephone service to Alert for the very first time. VE3FAB
Single lever paddle for the KX series
If you want to have an attachable paddle for your KX3 or KX2, but feel squeamish about parting with the dinero for a set of Elecraft KX3PD or KX2PD attachable iambic paddles, then you might want to look into buying one of these. W2LJ
QRP vs. QRO… Let's "go there"
The QRP vs. QRO dilemma seems to be a top concern for off grid hams. Let’s objectively try to sort this one out. Off Grid Ham
A history of CB radio in the US and UK
Probably the first recorded users of the illegal 27MHz band were the Charlie Bravo Group who seem to have appeared in about 1965. RF-man
Tropo band opening VHF/UHF Midwest USA
This is the time of year here in my area for some good tropospheric band openings on the VHF and UHF bands on ham radio. Here is a little sample of what I was hearing and talking to from my ham shack. RadioHamGuy