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Issue 173 of Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 173 of Amateur Radio Weekly
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 173 September 16th, 2017

Top links

I downloaded an app. And suddenly, was part of the Cajun Navy.
After two minutes of training, I was talking to people desperate for help.
Houston Chronicle
How often are you on the air?
Heatmap shows the activity as reported by the Reverse Beacon Network (CW/digital modes) over the last 12 months.
FCC opens 630 and 2200 meter bands
Before using either band, stations must notify the Utilities Technology Council (UTC) that they plan to do so.
Cyber threats prompt return of radio for ship navigation
The risk of cyber attacks targeting ships’ satellite navigation is pushing nations to delve back through history and develop back-up systems with roots in World War Two radio technology.
Homebrew J-Pole Antenna for GPS
The antenna is soldered directly to two terminals of an SMA connector. This is a through-hole PCB connector, which has 5 terminals (5 for ground and 1 for the center conductor).
Eclectic Technical Experiences
Options when cell service dies in a disaster
Zello, Ham Radio, Iridum, more...
When will Voyager stop calling home?
The twin spacecraft still send data back to the planet they left 40 years ago.
The Atlantic
LOTW rant
I found a 14-step process, written in that cryptic LOTW instructional style the ARRL is so fond of.
Wi-Fi soundscape
The implementation sends MIDI notes to Garageband, where it can play various synths.
Carriers Everywhere


Icom IC-7300 easy transmit settings for digital operation
This is for Hams new to digital operation or the Icom IC-7300.
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