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1,000 miles per watt, JT65 from the moon, cancer from ham towers and more..
1,000 miles per watt, JT65 from the moon, cancer from ham towers and more..
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 23 August 16th, 2014

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Ham Radio payload to circle the Moon, transmit JT65
China has announced plans to launch a lunar orbiter carrying an Amateur Radio payload that will transmit JT65 on 145.990 MHz.
Neighbors claim Ham Radio tower causes cancer
Armando Martins, 73, has also had to fight off accusations the signal from the 10-metre aerial is interfering with people's pacemakers and hearing aids.
QRP 1,000 miles per watt from the campground
The kids are starting back to school this week, so we thought we would get in one more family outing before life gets crazy.
Chasqui-1 CubeSat beacon launches from ISS Monday, live on NASA TV
Chasqui-1 will provide a number of functions that include taking pictures of the Earth. The 437.025 MHz beacon can transmit either 1200 bps AFSK AX.25 or 9600 bps GMSK.
Ham responds to property manager regarding HR.4969
I am a long-term amateur radio operator, and I serve as the current emergency coordinator for the Clark County Amateur Radio Emergency Service’s volunteer team of amateur radio operators.
Las Vegas Review-Journal
NASA looking for Mars communication services
NASA has issued a Request for Information that explores options to buy commercial communications services to support users on Mars.
D-STAR Ham Radio satellite repeater test
A test of the D-STAR Parrot Repeater on the TabletSat-Aurora satellite is expected to take place on 437.050 MHz
Local public radio reports: Making contact in the 'Olympics' of Ham Radio
Two by two, competitors representing 38 countries were called to the stage at the World Radiosport Team Championship, held last month in Westborough, Massachusetts. They’re not identified by their names, which nobody knows anyway, but by their call signs.


Huntsville Hamfest to be webcast live this weekend
Interviews, give-aways and more from W5KUB in Huntsville, Alabama.
Pelican 1200 case review with Elecraft KX3
Before you make a case selection for your KX3 you need to think about how you will primarily be using your rig for amateur radio operation.

And finally...

Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by KK4HSX. Thank you for reading! 73!
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