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ISS SSTV, a better CW decoder, new products from Yaesu and Icom, and more..
ISS SSTV, a better CW decoder, new products from Yaesu and Icom, and more..
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 25 August 30th, 2014

Top links

2014 ARRL Field Day logs received, list available for review
The ARRL Contest Branch requests that Field Day participants review the list and contact ARRL if anything appears to be incorrect with their entry information.
School radio club talks to Space Station
The Dorothy Grant Elementary School radio club has 45 members of which 23 are now licensed radio amateurs. On August 27 seven students from the school had the opportunity to use amateur radio to ask an ISS astronaut a series of questions.
HR4969 PowerPoint suitable for club presentations
Michigan Section Manager (WB8R) provided a PowerPoint presentation outlining the Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014.
Building a better CW decoder
AG1LE has been reworking the FLdigi based CW decoder software hoping for a more accurate solution.
Pirate Radio in China
A Hong Kong newspaper quoted the authorities as saying they had found high-powered radio transmitters in private hands. Among them was a 2,000-watt transmitter which provided coverage of most of the capital.
ISS Slow Scan TV tested on August 27
A test of the Slow Scan Television (SSTV) experiment MAI-75, callsign RS0ISS, took place on the International Space Station (ISS).
Chasqui-1 CubeSat deployment photos
Chasqui-1's transmit downlink is 437.025 MHz. The craft will send information in CW mode. It also transmits images stored in memory, photos taken by two on board cameras and will send telemetry.
Massive write-up of one club's efforts at Field Day 2014 [PDF]
Surrey Amateur Radio Club releases a Field Day write-up with contributions from many of the planners and participants plus many photos.

How to

Building a 2 meter portable J-Pole
The cool thing about this copper j-pole antenna is that it folds up. The entire thing is held together with a bungee cord that is internal to the antenna.


AmateurLogic.TV bonus episode: Huntsville Hamfest 2014
George and Wayne make their annual pilgrimage to Huntsville Hamfest. We met with a few of our ham radio friends to find out what they've been up to and got some great stories you will enjoy.
ARRL Centennial: W1AW and headquarters
K7AGE highlights many of the ARRL Centennial activities at W1AW and headquarters.

New product

Yaesu FT-991 KW/50/144/430 MHz Transceiver
We are pleased to announce the launch of an exciting new product, The FT-991 HF/50MHz/VHF/UHF Base Station Transceiver.
Icom 50th anniversary Limited Edition IC-7850 at Tokyo Hamfair 2014
Icom have displayed a pre-release version of a very special HF Base Station at the Tokyo Hamfest, the IC-7850 HF/50MHz transceiver.

And finally...

FCC proposes to fine CBer $14,000 for not permitting station inspection
The FCC continued this month to demonstrate that it’s serious about enforcing its rules and regulations, proposing to fine a Florida Citizens Band operator $14,000 for failing to allow FCC agents inspect his station.
Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by KK4HSX. Thank you for reading! 73!
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