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Phone with built-in dual bander, amateur transponders, beta WSJT-X, more...
Phone with built-in dual bander, amateur transponders, beta WSJT-X, more...
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 28 September 27th, 2014
Apologies for the lack of ARW last week. Your editor was busy attending the NASA/SpaceX rocket launch.
As compensation, this week's issue is packed full of extra links! -KK4HSX

Top links

SpaceX launches rocket with Amateur Radio payload to space station
When the commercial SpaceX Falcon 9 resupply vehicle lifted off from Cape Canaveral to the International Space Station on September 21, it also carried the SpinSat satellite, which includes an Amateur Radio payload.
Bad for Hams? Radar-gunlike device to detect texting
A Virginia company ComSonics claims to be developing a Radar-gunlike device that can tell if a driver is texting. Alexander Watters KV4PW explains why this may be bad for hams.
Cell phone with built-in 2m/440 radio
An Android phone built around a shell containing a dual band radio for 2m/440.
Qatar satellite will feature amateur transponders
Es'hail 2 will provide the first Amateur Radio geostationary communication capability linking Brazil and India. It will carry two "Phase 4" Amateur Radio transponders.
Wisconsin Ham dies in fall from tower
A Wisconsin radio amateur lost his life on September 16 as he was performing maintenance on the 100 foot tower of a fellow ham.
Hiking with the MFJ Cub, DX with 2 watts
Today I took a step back 15 years and went for a hike with an old MFJ Cub and a plain dipole. I worked Wales and Wisconsin with only 2 watts.
Live webcast from K6H - 'Last Man Standing' special event station
W5KUB.COM will be webcasting the special event station K6H live from Hollywood on Sept 27th and 28th from the stage of TV's hit Last Man Standing.
What are the issues in amateur radio today?
Instead of complaining about the problems, I’m thinking that if I could identify one or two things that we could really do something about we could improve our situation.
Power adapter wreaks havoc on digital modes
I monitored my JT65 signal today and noticed a hum that was not there before.
Free gray-line software
Simon Brown G4ELI has released a simple Windows program which displays gray-line, geomagnetic indices, solar data and sunrise and sunset
Monthly co-ordinted beacon listening event
This event determines, worldwide, which beacons are in service and on-the-air so online databases can be kept up-to-date.
First PSK31 contact: Try try again
For some time now I have been trying to get my feet wet with the digital modes and have had no luck. This morning I gave it another go with great success.
Plan for beta release of WSJT-X v1.4
A public beta release of the weak signal data modes software WSJT-X, version 1.4, is now planned for October 1st.
FCC turns down petition to create a 4 meter band in the US
It does not appear that US radio amateurs will gain a new band at 70 MHz anytime soon. The FCC has denied a Petition for Rule Making filed earlier this year by Glen E. Zook, K9STH, of Richardson, Texas, seeking to add a 4 meter band to Amateur Radio's inventory of VHF allocations.
Postage stamp features Amateur Radio satellites
A new Lithuanian postage stamp features the amateur radio satellites LituanicaSAT-1 and LitSat-1.
4 Reasons why we need more Hams
Seeing a coworker's 3rd grade son recently get his ticket, and his excitement at working W1AW as his first contact, got me thinking that maybe we need MORE hams.
Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by KK4HSX. Thank you for reading! 73!
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