Making an AllStarLink node with the URC The following guide covers the steps to modify the Universal Radio Controller (URC) to use in an AllStarLink node. G1LRO
QRadioLink A GNU/Linux multimode (analog and digital) SDR (software defined radio) transceiver application using the Internet for radio to VOIP bridging (radio over IP), built on top of GNU radio. QRadioLink
DX-peditions collection The California Historical Radio Society contributed this collection of DX-pedition material to the Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications. DLARC
Trying a $15 70cm transceiver Browsing Amazon I noticed a pair of 446MHz transceivers for $30 and I wondered what you get. Marxy's Musing on Technology
For the first time, I'll be driving up for Hamvention in May. I'm attending as a member of the press and my current thinkinig is to attempt a number of short-form audio interviews with interesting orgs, Hams, vendors, etc., which will be posted both here in the newsletter and on the daily site. I'm also having stickers made up, so hunt me down if you'd like one. Hope to see you there!