Issue 359 December 7, 2024

Top links

Iowa State club launching experimental repeater today
High altitude balloon will make FM contacts possible across the Midwest.
Minnesota Ham Radio

Machine learning enhanced FM digital voice
Transmitted over the air (OTA) using commodity FM UHF radios.

Prototype 2el Yagi for Radiosonde fox hunting
The design is for a two element Yagi using a Half Folded Half Wave Dipole driven element and reflector.

Open-weather apt
A browser-based decoder for automatic picture transmissions (apt) from satellites NOAA-19, NOAA-18 and NOAA-15.

A Python script for tracking the parks near you that you haven't activated yet.
Copasetic Flow

KSKO’s one man, full-time operation connects interior Alaska
Alongside the McGrath studio, a collection of seven repeater stations and two partner stations broadcast widely — across stretches up to 150 miles.
Alliance of Rural Public Media

AI noise removal from off-air single sideband
It should be possible to do this sort of processing in near to real time.
marxy's musing on technology

Why we designed the high school direct conversion receiver
We might have used a variable capacitor but variable capacitors are now expensive and hard to source.
SolderSmoke Daily News

VLF receive loop
More verticality?
Real-World Amateur Radio

AI generated Ham Radio song
With the help of AI, I chose a slightly different musical arrangement for a more universal version.


2-meter operations above the cloud deck
Flight from KTIW to W27 over a blanket of cloud cover due to a temperature inversion.

Ham Radio for Hackers
Some people consider ham radio operators to be the original hackers.