Amateur enforcement "very much alive"
Former FCC Special Counsel for Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, told the Forsyth Amateur Radio Club that the FCC is still active in the Amateur Radio enforcement arena. ARRL
30 years of weather balloon launches at Antarctica
Balloons are launched every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday morning by the on-duty Met Observer. Anyone on base can meet up with them at the sign-out board at 8.00am and go and help launch a balloon Cathy Colless
The ghpsdr3-alex Project
SDR sever and client project supporting HPSDR, Softrock, UHFSDR, Microtelecom Perseus, SDR-iq, HiQSDR, Ettus Research USRP and rtl-sdr DVB-T dongles. ghpsdr3-alex
Gpredict: Real-time satellite tracking and orbit prediction app
Gpredict is different from other satellite tracking programs in that it allows you to group the satellites into visualization modules. Each of these modules can be configured independently from the others giving you unlimited flexibility. Gpredict
SatNOGS win Hackaday prize
The open-source amateur satellite tracking project SatNOGS has won the Hackaday 1st prize and an amateur radio SDR won 3rd prize. AMSAT UK
Raspberry Pi ISS iGate project
This project is an APRS iGate for ARISS program's digipeater aboard the International Space Station. N5DUX
Ham Radio operation from hotels
This article is about operating from hotels and motels as part of business trips - not extended vacation DXpedition operating. SOTABEAMS
How to use coaxial strippers
It is designed to strip 75 ohm coaxes such as RG-6u, but the sizes are so similar it ought to work for 50 ohm (ham radio) coax E.G. RG-8x. Chicken Road Labs