Top links
10. A super-simple standalone WSPR beacon
Being able to build your own radios is the best thing about being an Amateur Radio operator.
9. Ham Map
A map for WWFF, POTA, and SOTA locations and activity.
8. Build the Frankentenna
The ultimate portable Ham Radio vertical antenna.
7. Auroras in Florida, Puerto Rico, Mexico
A CME hit Earth's magnetic field on May 10th, sparking the biggest geomagnetic storm in more than 20 years--an extreme category G5 event.
6. Yaesu, Icom & Kenwood feature new transceivers at Ham Fair Japan
Yaesu revealed the FTX-1F, Icom announced the IC-7760, and Kenwood revealed a yet to be named mobile rig.
Amateur Radio Daily
5. MFJ ends reign as king of Ham Radio parts
"It was rough trying to say goodbye."
Mississippi Clarion Ledger
4. The most hackable handheld Ham Radio yet
Quansheng’s UV-K5 can be modded at the click of a mouse.
IEEE Spectrum
3. GoodWatch: A Ham Radio wristwatch
Receives 2FSK 1200baud, acts as a frequency counter, and features CW modulation.
2. Amateur Radio Booklet 2024 [PDF]
A comprehensive, Open Source Amateur Radio operating manual.
1. First M17 based radios begin shipping
Connect Systems has begun shipping the first radios that operate M17 "out of the box."
Amateur Radio Daily