Top links
Field Spotter
A spotting tool for portable Amateur Radio adventures.
Create a receive-only APRS iGate on a Raspberry Pi
Use a cheap SDR dongle and a Raspberry Pi to make a receive-only APRS iGate in an hour.
Hidden stories behind your favorite devices at new Huntsville museum
Signals Museum of Information Explosion highlights Ham Radio.
Advance Local
CW QSO Finder
This page lists CW operators who are available for a QSO.
Ham Radio Duo
World Wide Flora & Fauna
Latest activations from multiple sources.
Election ethics and bylaws of the ARRL
Are they being applied to everyone?
Why do people tune up on your frequency?
He seemed to get the idea and apologized.
It’s SSB, but maybe not quite as you know it
A combination of AM and FM to achieve polar modulation and generate SSB.
National Pi Day special event net
Join us on the Roc-Ham Radio Network for a pop up net celebrating National Pi Day.
Amateur Radio Daily
APRSDroid deep dive
NA7Q has forked APRSDroid and added several new features.
Review: Retevis MA1 Full Duplex 2/70 Mobile Transceiver
With Cross band repeat comes full duplex, meaning you can transmit on one band while listening to the other.
Tech Minds
VHF & UHF operations
Three fellow Amateur Radio contestants in portable VHF and UHF.