Android SSTV decoder, low noise vertical, repeater tour, more...
Android SSTV decoder, low noise vertical, repeater tour, more...
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 45 January 24th, 2015

Top links

QRZ Logbook offering confirmation credit and LoTW download
QRZ Logbook users now can download their contacts from LoTW directly into their QRZ Logbook.
Turning a walkie talkie into a radio modem
People in the office were told to keep quiet, and the air conditioner was switched off, as this thing called 'noise' upset the signal and made erroneous characters appear in place of the intended letters.
Univers Labs
EP6T team pleads for "more respect" from operators
"Jammers calling with fake calls and disrespecting the operators, sending disgraceful e-mails, and calling us names is sometimes too much for us."
Are we amateurs or what?
If you were a kid or young adult, which would you rather be? Maker or hacker has more swagger to it, while amateur radio operator is something quaint, something one's uncle or grandfather used to do.
Renewing or updating your license online — for free
In truth, it's actually very easy to renew your license directly with the FCC — and it's completely free.
Robot36 - Android SSTV image decoder
An Open Source SSTV decoder for Android.
Google Play
The Low Noise Vertical
Phil (KO6BB), recently refurbished his earlier built 'LNV,' but this time with better feedline and appropriate ferrite cores for the antenna's matching transformers.
Blur drummer Dave Rowntree (M6DRQ) on his failed Mars mission
Radio amateur Dave Rowntree (M6DRQ) was interviewed on Channel 5 TV news about the Beagle 2 Mars mission.
Bright asteroid flyby
Glowing like a 9th magnitude star, 2004 BL86 will be an easy target for backyard telescopes on the night of closest approach, January 26-27.
So you want to build a DSTAR repeater...
Now that you're done with the antenna system and internet access, you'll need to make a decision. Are you going to go with the ICOM system, or a home-brew system?
The Farm Online
Amateur radio repeater debate draws sparks
Mayor Jeff Palmore and Bob Masson, president of the radio club, differ over the city's ability to install the repeater.
The Missourian
FreeDV has received a fair degree of publicity recently and is a GUI application for Windows, Linux and Mac OS (other platforms are in development) that allows any single side band radio to be used for low bit rate digital voice communication.
Radio Antics


Repeater site tour with WA7MXZ
A tour of the Radio Repeater site for the AC7O repeater system, 146.720
Codec 2 at very low bit rates
David Rowe gives an excellent talk about digital voice on HF and beyond.
Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by KK4HSX. Thank you for reading. 73
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