Slow Scan TV from the ISS this weekend
The Russian ARISS team members plan to activate the amateur radio Slow Scan TV (SSTV) experiment on 145.800 MHz FM from the International Space Station (ISS) during this weekend. AMSAT UK
Winter Field Day Flop
Winter Field Day, sponsored by the Society for the Preservation of Amateur Radio (SPAR), has been a favorite event of mine since the first time I participated in one back in 2012. KK4DSD
29MHz AM
The 29-29.1MHz sub-band continues to be the best place to find HF AM.
How had I missed this? The FT-8900 does AM on 28MHz!
How long have I had my FT-8900? Four, five years, maybe? Of course I knew it received AM on air band and have used it on there from time to time, but it never occurred to me that it would work on 29MHz. G4VXE
3D Printed QSL Card
The ARTSAT2:DESPATCH team have sent a a 3D printed QSL card to MichaĆ Zawada SQ5KTM and the Polish team to confirm their reception of the amateur radio signal from the FO-81 spacecraft at a distance of 2,715,228 km from Earth. AMSAT UK
With just a WSPR
It's really amazing what you can do with computers in amateur radio, and there's been an explosion in the number of digital modes. One interesting mode that I've recently been introduced to is WSPR, which is short for Weak Signal Propagation Reporting. KB6NU
The Quadrus: A New Military-Grade Software Defined Radio Receiver
The Quadrus SDR has phase-coherent multi-channel capabilities with up to 16 channels, which means that it can be used for direction finding, diversity reception, as well as MIMO applications. The SWLing Post
Noble Radio NR-4SC: 4 meters for pros
The NR-4SC is a simple to use 10 Watt (minimum) 4 Meter SSB/ CW transceiver. The radio operates USB and CW. PD0AC
Portable Ham Radio on Pigeon Key, Florida
KX9X operates from Pigeon Key, Florida, as part of the US Islands Awards Program. Sean set up at Pigeon Key's Marine Science Center in December 2014, and made over 140 two-way contacts in four hours. KX9X