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New Baofengs, Ham Radio full-time, ballooning, Ham Quartzfest, and more...
New Baofengs, Ham Radio full-time, ballooning, Ham Quartzfest, and more...
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 49 February 21st, 2015

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New Baofeng radios on Monday?
"Including: Crossband Repeater Capabilities, Dual Simultaneous Receivers, 6 Band Reception, NOAA Weather Channels and Alerts, 7 Encoding and Decoding Methods, and Upgradable Firmware."
Brick O'Lore
Making it
Radio Shack lost its way when it ditched its hobbyist customers.
The Economist
FCC "Paperless" Amateur Radio license policy now in effect
According to the WTB, the new procedures will save at least $304,000 a year, including staff expenses.
Catching a USAF HF-GCS transmission
Recording of the US Air Force High Frequency Global Communications System on 15,016 kHz USB.
The SWLing Post
Time to put the microphone away
It's the pile-ups. Basically, I don’t have the patience for them anymore.
Pondering working full-time in Ham Radio
KB6NU considers making a full-time career out of Amateur Radio.


High altitude ballooning, from the ground up (and back again)
High altitude ballooning makes for a challenging project that sometimes turns into an engrossing hobby.
Dave Akerman
How to improve disaster relief with video remote interpreting
How prepared are emergency responders when they encounter someone with a functional need such as being deaf or mute?


The Quartzfest Experience
K7AGE shows us many of the activities during the 8 days of Quartzfest, a gathering of Amateur Radio Operators in RV's near Quartzsite Arizona.
Film from the AT&T Archives: Quartz Crystal Growing
Bell Laboratories engineers set to work creating artificial quartz crystals in 1946. By 1956, they had perfected a hydrothermal process that produced pure quartz plates.
AT&T Archives
1943 documentary: Piezoelectric Quartz Crystals for Radio
A story in pictures of the preparation and manufacture of quartz crystals for radio communication.
Prelinger Archives
20m contacts during IARU HF World Championship
N5WXW makes contact on 20m showing us the IARU HF World Championship in action.

and finally...

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