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30 meter APRS, FUNcube QSL cards, understanding propagation, balloon app...
30 meter APRS, FUNcube QSL cards, understanding propagation, balloon app...
Amateur Radio Weekly
Issue 71 August 1st, 2015

Top links

Amateur Radio Parity Act has 93 cosponsors
ARRL Headquarters has forwarded 3,433 letters to 402 individual US House members, seeking their cosponsorship of H.R. 1301.
Coming soon: 146.52 MHz in ARRL VHF contests
Brian Mileshosky N5ZGT, ARRL Director of the Rocky Mountain Division, reported that the ARRL has decided to remove the prohibition of 146.52 MHz in VHF contests.
Why 30 Meter APRS?
A case study on 30m APRS vs the 2m APRS network.
The Kentucky Packet Network
Comparing RTTY, PSK and MFSK
Using the ARRL field day test message to compare RTTY, PSK and MFSK digital modes.
FUNcube Certificate of Achievement and QSL Card
Those who have successfully received telemetry from FUNcube-1 and uploaded it to the Data Warehouse are able to download these documents.
Understanding LF and HF Propagation (PDF)
This PDF is a series of features that formed a good introduction to the topic.
Raspberry Pi packet/digital mode open hardware
Ham Radio sound card interface for the Raspberry Pi or other microcontrollers.
Android balloon tracker and modem app
Ground tracking app for high altitude balloons, complete with RTTY modem, offline mapping, online distributed listener integration, chase car location reporting and more.
Google Play
Arduino CW decoder
This is arguably the simplest part of the project. I simply downloaded the sketch and uploaded it to the Arduino.
Icom America club station revealed
I'm pleased to report that a number of our employees are regularly getting on the air and we're looking forward to activating a few contests as well.

How to

Google Earth with NWS and APRS using KML
I wanted to find an easy way to integrate mapping, radar data, and APRS tracking data for SkyWARN events.
Robert Andrews
Simple one-chip regenerative receiver
You might be surprised that you can convert an audio amplifier to a receiver using just a handful of components.
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